New library receives major design award

A library in Billingham has recently obtained a prize at the Northern Regional Awards of the

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Three different types of garden extension

These days, it is possible for people to obtain quite a wide range of extensions on their property. However, while this is great for homeowners, some may be

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Why en-suite bathrooms have such a strong appeal

Certain types of home improvement are more fashionable than others, with en-suite bathrooms having evolved from a rarity into a more commonplace

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Solar-powered coffee shop inspires builders

A Costa Coffee branch in a retail park within Telford has recently been fitted with solar panels by

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Could it be time to renovate your kitchen?

The kitchen is often the centre of family life. However, too many people have cooking spaces that do not look the part, making performing routine tasks more awkward than

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Five reasons to arrange a garage conversion

Converting a garage into a useful space is becoming increasingly popular these days in the UK. However, there are several motivations for using a garage conversion to alter the

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When is rewiring necessary?

Rewiring a property is a really big job. However, sometimes it simply has to be done. Of course, it is imperative that the rewiring of a house is carried out by

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Planning a bathroom refurbishment

The renovation of a bathroom is a task that necessitates a great deal of professional input. However, it is worth having a think about the project before work commences. This is primarily because there are […]

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