There are many varieties of conservatory these days. They might not all be practical solutions for every residence, so you may find that knowing a little about the different types of conservatory is useful when it comes to thinking about the best way forward for your family.
A lean-to conservatory is an affordable choice
In today’s economic climate, you could appreciate the virtues of a lean-to conservatory. This type of extension can work really well where resources are limited or where a garden is on the small side. If you own a little bungalow, this building solution can address your requirements.
A Victorian conservatory is a design classic
While a lean-to conservatory is rectangular in shape, a Victorian-style alternative has a rounded wall. You could appreciate that this feature of the design has genuine style, and it goes brilliantly with many housing types as the accommodation does not have to be Victorian in origin.
An Edwardian conservatory is distinctive
You will find that an Edwardian conservatory has a distinctive appearance. It tends to have a roof which differs from its Victorian counterpart. At the same time, it tends to be spacious. You might want to think about this option if you have plans to dine in your completed conservatory.
A P-shaped conservatory is a special compromise
You could find that a P-shaped conservatory is the answer to your dilemma. This is because the design is an attempt to reconcile what is best about the Victorian and Edwardian options. If you have sufficient space then this flexible design can enable the conservatory to be used for various functions.
An orangery is a bit different
While some purists do not consider an orangery to be a genuine conservatory, this extension could be what fits the bill for you. The walls of an orangery are made out of different materials from a conventional conservatory, but the option can permit plenty of natural light to flood into your home.